Leatherjacket Nematodes 500 sqm

SKU: JL002
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About Leatherjacket Nematodes:

Use Nemasys Leatherjacket Nematodes to deal with a leatherjacket infestation in your lawn, the nematodes are safe and there is no need to exclude children and pets from treated areas.

Leatherjackets are the larval stage of the crane fly or daddy-long-legs, they feed on the roots of grass causing damage to your lawn. Leatherjacket larvae are about 2.5cm (1" long), greyish black in colour, legless and with no distinct head.

When you start to see the adult daddy-long-legs in your garden (normally towards the end of August) you will know that in a few days they will be laying eggs. These will hatch quickly, within two weeks. The young start to feed, continuing throughout winter, ready to gorge on grass roots in spring.

Delivery is completely free when just ordering nematodes. Should you purchase any other items then our standard delivery charge will apply.

How to Use Leatherjacket Nematodes:

The nematodes come complete with instructions and can be applied using a watering can or nematode applicator. You just apply to moist soil when the soil temperature is above 5ºC (41ºF) and ensure the soil does not dry out for at least two weeks after applying the nematodes. Nematodes are capable of surviving the odd frost, so don't worry if the temperature falls after you have applied them.

Please note Nematodes are live material and cannot be returned. They will usually have an expiry date of around 2 weeks. The effectiveness can sometimes vary due to external factors.

This is also suitable for sciarid fly (Fungus Gnat).

Nematode applicators and watering cans are available



Best applied: August - October