Why Do I Need To Grease Band My Trees
Glue/grease bands are ideal for protecting fruit trees especially apple, plum, pear and cherry from winter moth caterpillars.
These caterpillars can feed on fruit buds and reduce the amount of fruit produced.
Glue bands do not protect against codling moth or plum moth (the major cause of maggots in apples and plums) as these moths have winged females and are active midsummer when night temperatures are above
Several winter moths have wingless females which, after emerging from the soil, climb the tree to mate and lay their eggs. The caterpillars of these moths eat the leaves of many deciduous trees and shrubs during late March to early June
The glue bands trap these wingless females before they reach the branches and lay eggs. Winter moth is the most troublesome of these moths, it emerges as adults during November to mid-January
When To Put Up Grease/Glue Bands
It is important to time the fitting correctly so that it protects your tree from the winter moth;
Glue should be placed on trunks and tree stakes about 45cm (18in) above soil level in October, before the adult moths emerge in November
Some species with wingless females are active until April
The glue band needs to be kept sticky and free of debris from late October until April
Smooth the glue band onto the bark to ensure moths cannot crawl under it.