Fruit And Vegetable Cages 500mm High

SKU: JO060618
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These fruit and vegetable cages are made from aluminium and will protect your low crops from insect and bird damage. They are suitable for all your low crops, strawberries, salad crops, onions are just a few examples.

If you want the cages for strawberries and other fruit buy a cage with bird netting, this netting allows bees in to pollinate.

Benefits of using fruit and vegetable cages

  • Keeps birds, rabbits, and deer away. Prevents them from eating your crops.
  • Stops insect damage. Veggiemesh or butterfly netting can stops caterpillars, butterflies, and other pests.
  • Protects from wind and heavy rain. Gives some protection to delicate plants.
  • Prevents cross-pollination. Choose a netting with holes which bees cannot get through butterfly or Veggiemesh
  • Reusable for years – A cost-effective solution for long-term growing

Size of these cages and what they are made from

The cages stand 500mm high (1ft 7 inches) once erected and come with instructions, diagrams and a list of contents.

The 16mm uprights (legs) are pushed into the soil 100mm the tubes are 600mm (1ft 11 inches) long allowing for 100mm.

The connectors, either build a balls or joiners are used to connect the 13mm crossbars, these then connect to the legs.

The netting is laid over the cage and pegged down. It is not fitted as this would make it difficult on the larger cages to take off the netting with just one person.

Your crops should grow larger and be healthier with a bit of wind resistance provided by the netting which also stops insect pests and birds.

The cages can be covered with garden fleece over winter but would need extra pegs due to wind resistance.

Storing fruit and vegetable cages

The cages can be dismantled and stored easily when not in use.

Whats included in these garden cage kits?

Aluminium tubes, build a balls or joiners (see image), the joiners are easier to use, netting, steel pegs and clips. If ordering with no netting pegs and clips are not included.

Please note: If snow or high winds are forecast, remove the netting.

If ordering with no netting pegs and clips are not included.

If you would like a higher garden cage or a walk in cage follow these links. You can also build your own fruit or vegetable cage or if you would like us to work it out for you fill in our cage enquiry form.iry


How To Use

These fruit and vegetable cages are made from aluminium and will protect your low crops from insect and bird damage. They are suitable for all your low crops, strawberries, salad crops, onions are just a few examples. The cages stand .5m high (1ft 7 inches) once erected and come with instructions, diagrams and a list of contents. The 16mm uprights (legs) are pushed into the soil 10cm the tubes are .6m (1ft 11inches) long allowing for 10cm. The connectors, either build a balls or joiners are used to connect the 13mm crossbars, these then connect to the legs. The netting is laid over the cage and pegged down. It is not fitted as this would make it difficult on the larger cages to take off the netting with just one person. The cages can be covered with fleece over winter but would need extra pegs due to wind resistance. The cages can be dismantled and stored easily when not in use. Everything is included in our cage kits: Aluminium tubes, Connectors, Netting, Pegs and clips

More Information

Connector Types Joiners - These are small plastic joiners which slot perfectly into the aluminium tubes. We have corners, tee's and crosses. Each joiner has one slightly larger fitting which is for the 16mm upright. Buildaballs - These are green rubber balls which have one 16mm hole for the upright and five 13mm holes which are used for the length and cross bars. Cover Type Bird Netting - Made from high tensile strength, UV stabilised, doublestitch HDPE, our bird netting is soft to the touch and will last for many years. Perfect for keeping birds, cats, squirrels, foxs and many other garden pests off your fruit and veg. Veggiemesh Insect Netting - Mesh size:1.35mm. Light passage = 90% and air passage = 95%. The weight is approx. 55gms/sq.m. Yarn Thickness is 0.24mm. Veggiemesh is made from U.V. stabilised polyethylene. Veggiemesh® will keep out a wide range of garden pests including cabbage root fly, carrot fly, cabbage white butterfly, pea moth, leek moth, cutworm, onion fly, leaf miners and many species of aphids. Soft Butterfly Netting - A soft black mesh which has a mesh size of 7mm x 5mm. Made from HDPE. Our soft butterfly netting mesh prevents cabbage white butterflies and birds ruining your vegetables. If ordering with a cover the cage comes complete with clips and pegs for securing the fabric 13mm Tubing(Crossbars) The exact external diameter is 12.7mm. The internal diameter is 10.9mm. The wall thickness is 0.9mm. 16mm Tubing(Uprights) The exact external diameter is 15.9mm. The internal diameter is 14.5mm. The wall thickness is 0.7mm.