Ladybird Larvae - 250 Larvae Natural Pest Control

SKU: LB003
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Ladybird larvae consume huge numbers of aphids (blackfly and greenfly) every day. They are a brilliant form of natural pest control. The ladybirds and larvae supplied are adalia bipunctata commonly known as the 2 spotted ladybird and are one of the many native species in the UK.

Adult ladybirds lay up to 50 eggs every day, these are yellow and can usually be found under the leaves of plants. From egg to adult usually takes about 30 days so after a short space of time you will build up your own colony.

Do not introduce ladybirds before there is food about, as they will either starve, or eat each other.

These ladybird larvae come in a bottle and contain 250 larvae.

Approx 5 per sq.m so one bottle will treat around 50 sq.m.

Please note: Orders for our biological products are sent directly from our supplier 


How To Use

Open the container and release the Adalia directly onto plants with aphid colonies.
Larvae should be used as soon as possible. Their cannibalistic nature means that they will begin to eat each other as soon as the food provided for them during transport is exhausted.
Distribute the contents onto the leaves or in URB (universal release boxes) evenly throughout the crop, by gently shaking and rotating the bottle.
Take care when releasing them that any carrier material does not fall to the floor; it is important that it remains on the leaves initially so that the larvae can move onto the plants.

More Information

The products are designed to maintain the health and longevity of the predators as best possible. For Adalia larvae, this includes providing an abundant food source (which are the small pale particles), and also an acceptable environment to live in.

The shells are inert buckwheat husks, which provide a safe environment for the larvae to hide in, and also moderate temperature and humidity within the bottle. Depending on the Adalia’s age and developmental stage, they can be very small and easily hide within the buckwheat, but as they mature they will become up to a half centimetre long and conspicuous.

Ladybirds are very secretive, and tend to avoid exposure when young; combined with their small size, they can be very difficult to locate. In addition, ladybirds will travel to find food if there aren’t enough aphids on the crop to sustain them, and this behaviour will provide a general suppression of aphids in the local area around the crop. Ladybirds are also relatively long-lived insects, and as such can take a while to mature.

Depending on the Adalia’s developmental stage and weather conditions (mainly temperature), they can take 3-4 weeks to become conspicuous. As the larvae age they will become larger and develop more noticeable orange patches on their bodies; however, they hide well, and can remain difficult to find. After 3-4 weeks as larvae, they will move to protected locations from which they can pupate and develop into adults; a process that can take up to 2 weeks. Once the adult beetle emerges it can live for more than a year if conditions are acceptable.