The Ultimate Christmas Flower Guide

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The Ultimate Christmas Flower Guide

Beautiful flowers can be used to add an extra touch of magic to any Christmas. Here in our ultimate guide, we will help you decide which flowers you want to adorn your house this Christmas.

  1. Beautiful red Roses

You may be asking should a Christmas Rose have red leaves? Absolutely they should. Red is a traditional Christmas colour and any flower, (not just Poinsettias) that shares this colour is perfect for Christmas time.

If you want them to last longer, red roses are equally beautiful as artificial Christmas flowers.

  1. Alluring Azaleas

Azaleas are members of the Rhododendron family of plants and can be beautiful evergreen Christmas flowers.

We often get asked; can you plant a Christmas Azalea in the garden? This depends on the type of Azalea you have and whether the flower is frost resistant.

If it’s a deciduous azalea, then it should be fine for the garden.

If you’re worried about the frost still, you can move them into a well-insulated greenhouse to protect the flowers, meaning you can still enjoy them at Christmas.

Be careful to keep them away from pets and children as some azaleas can be toxic if ingested

  1. Florist's Cineraria

The florist’s cineraria are a hybrid flower native to the Canary Islands. When grown indoors or in the right conditions they can flower in time for Christmas

The bloom with a varied range of vivid colours from reds to blues and can even flower with multiple colours

  1. Christmas Box

A winter blooming evergreen flower that is recognised for its aromatic snowy blossoms. They can really be the highlight of a Christmas Garden set against the non-deciduous plants

The flowering season is from December to March, so there is a small chance these won’t flower in time for Christmas

  1. Poinsettias

Poinsettias for Christmas are a classic and no guide is complete without them. Poinsettias have fiery red flowers making them perfect for Christmas.

How To Look After A Christmas Poinsettia?

  • Keep soil damp.
  • Water Poinsettias when the soil surface feels dried out. If poinsettias get too dry, they will wilt.
  • Make sure the flower received 4-6 hours of sunlight a day
  • Poinsettias will shrivel if they are exposed to temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius

How To look After Poinsettias After Christmas?

  • Make sure there are no insects on the plant
  • If the poinsettias have become too lengthy prune them about 5 inches to encourage more efficient growth.


During Christmas time flowers such as Poinsettias or Azaleas can really add some colour and vibrancy to the occasion.

By carefully caring for each flower, you can ensure that they last throughout Christmas and into the New Year.

Check out our guide to gift buying for gardeners this Christmas or how to decorate your garden with Christmas Lights.

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