Keep Your Garden And Greenhouse Plants Warm And Snug During The Great British Winter

2 minute read

Keep Your Garden And Greenhouse Plants Warm And Snug During The Great British Winter

It’s not just humans who suffer with the Great British winter, plants are also susceptible to the cold, struggling and even dying if they aren’t warm enough.

Some crops can survive in below freezing temperatures during the winter months, but others can start to wilt in temperatures below 10C.

Interestingly, it is not the winter cold that kills the plant but the freezing of the outer structures of the plant.

Hard winter frosts, freeze the water molecules in the cells of the plant, causing dehydration and interruption of the plants water supply.

This all sounds bleak but have no fear, there are many solutions to keeping your beloved plants warm (and alive) this winter!

  1. Traditional Heating Appliances

In at number 1, Heating, the most obvious choice to keep your plants warm. We heat our homes in winter, why not heat our greenhouses to keep them warm. Did you know you can get specially designed heaters just for greenhouses?  These range from paraffin to eco heaters. Or heat this winter from below, with a plant-friendly heat mat.

  1. A Packaging Favourite

Next up, bubble wrap, it’s not just fun to pop, it’s also a great insulation material for your plants. Winter blues will vanish in your warm greenhouse with this solution to frost-free flowers.

  1. Warm Materials

On to number 3, fleece and fleece bags for warm, winter plants. Great for plants outside the greenhouse and small fruit trees and bushes. Cover plants for a warm winter nap.

  1. Individual Plant Structures

Number 4 brings a warm winter cloche. These Victorian style, bell cloches mimic the greenhouses and polytunnel but on a smaller scale. Keep plants free from winter drafts and frosts while keeping warmth and heat in.

  1. Pop-up Greenhouses

Lastly, try a GroZone. These mighty -fine, temporary designs are an alternative to permanent and costly greenhouses. Creating a warm environment for your plants to grow in this winter.

Don’t forget although plants have varying levels of hardiness and cold tolerance, cold winter weather still affects plants in similar ways.

Using any of the simple warming methods above can greatly aid in your plant’s survival this winter.



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