How To Use Pheromone Traps

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How To Use Pheromone Traps

Pheromones are specific to the pest they are targeting, making them highly effective as a form of pest control. They are scents used by insects and animals to communicate with each other so pheromones are used to attract the pest into the trap.

Pheromone traps are a safe method of pest control and can help to eliminate the use of chemical sprays to deter pests in the garden and allotment.

Moths start to come out when it reaches around 13°C or when the petals begin to fall. Traps need to go up from the third week of May to be most effective.

The sticky insert is placed inside the trap and the pheromone lure is removed from the foil sachet and laid in the centre. Ensure that the end flaps are secure before use.


Plum Moth

There are around 400 species of plum moth in Britain,they have a pinkish colour caterpillar, up to 12mm in length, that feed inside the ripening fruit of plums.

The easiest way to know if caterpillars are inside your fruit is that they will be a slightly odd shape and will usually ripen earlier than expected.

Use pheromone traps in May, they contain a scent produced by female moths to attract the male moths into the trap, which stops them fertilising the female.

One trap can usually monitor up to 3 average sized trees. Hang it around head height on the windward side of the trees. Our plum moth traps contain everything you need for a year and the refill allows the use of the trap for a second year.



Codling Moth

A small white moth whose small white, brown-headed caterpillars enter the fruits of apple and pear trees.

You’ll know if your fruit has been affected because a hole is usually visible from where the caterpillar left the fruit. Damaged fruit will often ripen and drop early.

Start using the traps at the end of May, or when the petals begin to fall, usually until the end of July but sometimes traps are still needed in August. After 5 weeks, replace the sticky insert and lure.

One trap should monitor up to 5 average sized trees with a range of 15 metres, hang around head height on the windward side of the trees. Our codling moth traps will last the year, and the extra refill allows the use of the trap for another year.

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